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A natural product like KOK’O deserves an environmentally-conscious philosophy.

That’s why we have embedded care for the environment
in our corporate strategy.

Our care is not limited to the production of eggs. We strive for sustainability throughout the entire process.
This starts with our attention to the living conditions of the chickens that lay our eggs
and continues through to the distribution and packaging of our products.

We are making great efforts to reduce our ecological footprint.

Our water treatment system allows us to recover 80% of our wastewater and reuse it in our production process.

We resolutely opted for green energy and installed solar panels.

Even the eggshells are given a new purpose: they are processed into a secondary product for arable farming.

We also subject our primary and secondary packaging to this philosophy.
The KOK’O 2x1 packaging consists of fully recyclable PET and recycled cardboard.

Would you like to learn more about how we ensure a neutral carbon footprint?

Discover our recipes

Would you like to find out how you can use our eggs?
Click below to see our recipes.